I'm here but I don't know if you can see me

I made my facebook ads for the first time yesterday, no results yet

I joined survey monkey and have been trying to promote it

But I find many people say surveys don’t pay any good?? A bad rep

I will be able to tell people this is really different so I can promote it to people who have baeen burned before wow… I will have a look myself to see if I can promote more

Hi Dalester, how is your Survey Monkey promotion going? have you been able to to see some success?

Hey - yeah we can see you. :slight_smile: Can you tell us a little more about your Facebook ad? It’ll be great to also drop a link to the ad so we can take a look. Also, how did your target audience look like? There’s a couple of factors that could affect the results you get from ads - from not targeting properly, to placing media that doesn’t resonate with your audience.