Ideas for future coaching calls?

Hey everyone, I’m enjoyed this last call, and am looking forward to future calls; it’s interesting to see and hear what people are doing online.

I think in addition to posting ideas we get from the current call, it would be great to post ideas here about questions and ideas for future calls.

I worry about turning these calls into individual tech support calls (there’s a great support system in place for tech support), and think we’d be better served on the calls with specific topics and subjects to ask about. That way, we can discuss more advanced techniques, or solutions to bigger problems we all face.

I haven’t searched the forums very much yet, or gone through all the training material to see if this is covered, but one idea might be a request for specific techniques to help us get past having ads randomly shut down by Facebook. For example, can we “warm up” our relationship with Facebook by creating a page on the same topic as an upcoming ad campaign, and running an inexpensive “like” campaign to start with?

Just a thought.


Some of this is already in the works. Keep the ideas coming, we love the feedback :slight_smile:

Hi GregM, I agree with you 100%. We should discuss more advanced topics on calls. Can you tell me a little more about your FB topic idea and how it would benefit us. For instance, I would like to know more about FB politics on differently budgeted campaigns. I know it’s very tricky with FB.

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In regards to warming up your FB page, or as some call it season the page. It’s pretty easy to do. Post everyday and run a few boosted posts for $5. I think FB is all about upping engagement on pages…I opened one a few months ago and I think I have made just 6 posts and have a couple hundred likes on the page and my boosted posts (3 OR 4 posts is all) have between 50-100 likes and plenty of shares at $5 bucks a piece. Select interesting content on your topic. One of the best posts I spent $5 on was offering a free download. I basically got that guy about a hundred new optins to his mailing list :slight_smile: but people loved it and all liked my FB page because of it. And somehow that little bit of action I took I am still seeing new likes a month since my last post! If you want to take a more systematic approach to seasoning your page I found a few tutorials on Youtube that set up a schedule for the specific content types and posting schedule.

However, it is debatable depending on who’s material you are reading, if this is actually necessary to run a successful ad campaign. And there is no hard proof I can find that proves this will prevent FB from disabling an ad. In fact I have seen some very successful pages have their ads disabled. Learning the FB TOS is a more sure way to prevent issue, and as John has mentioned even this will not 100% prevent it. There appears to be some arbitrary behavior in this regard. John also discussed both of these topics on the Inner Circle call yesterday.

It’s your webinar so bring up the topics you want to hear about and I am happy to discuss those when I am qualified on the topic. If I am not I’ll find the information and we can discuss here as well. It is also a good idea to spend a little time doing your own reading on the various topics you are interested in or concerned about and formulate some of your own opinions along the way and then post here and see if myself, Andy or anyone have opinions on it as well. This is definitely an ongoing education process. And if you are interested in staying focused and taking a straight line to success I would suggest the Inner Circle where you have access to John.

Just like it is your webinar this is your forum and I’d love to see more and more topics opened that will help you grow your business. These topics also help John see what you want to know more about so he can create content for your membership area. You’ll be seeing a whole lot of new content coming in the next few weeks on the types of topics you are referring to!

Don’t forget you can also create a topic here and tag @AndyStewart if you want specific information on your ad campaigns.



My thinking comes from reading articles like this:

and noticing the suggestions it contains. Note the article seems old, but it has some ideas I like, including mention of using the business manager, suggestions on landing pages, and ideas on how to warm up facebook to your ad campaigns and establish a good record with them (See the “seasoned accounts and the warm up process” section for example).

If we’re going to start doing business, we should run our operations like a business - well structured. I’d love to see these calls (and the program as a whole) provide us a set of best practices to start with and scale up with, to help us avoid the pitfalls of a frequently erratic Facebook.

Having direction and outlines provided by the call hosts, and discussed here by us, could make our implementation in the real world much smoother (and less expensive). Finding and discussing tactics and resources that people are successful with right now, and sharing that on these calls would be an amazing benefit for everyone, and help future versions of this program improve.

I appreciate people like Sara checking out comments out, and listening to our feedback, I think there’s a lot of room for these calls to help a lot of people, and a lot of good ideas we could bring in to the support providers on the back end to help grow and improve the resources available to everyone.

@GregM Indeed, I would hit the chat box on that article to find out if it has been updated. When it comes to best practices I personally look to current content, which may include a lot of things that have always been true, as in this article, but more current articles will also give current trends. Keep in mind the materials and assets in your membership area all meet the guidelines. Reading articles like the above will help you learn to deconstruct the ads so you can build your own the same way.

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