I set up my new website with presell page. What now?

After setting up my new website with presell page do I use my website link for Solo ads & FB ads instead of direct affiliate link?
Do I need to have separate domains for each affiliate offer? Thanks!

Iā€™m still struggling to set up website with presell page. Which module did you get the instruction from? Iā€™m going back to try to figure it out, since it seems what you have done is the nucleus of the whole system. Seems you need one for each market you are addressing.

I am following a Week 2 video Registering website. In it John says that we need to create website for presell page with Coolhandle. That was my original question about. I just wanted to confirm that I will have to use the website with presell page for my Solo and FB ads.
Right now I am watching Week 3 video Google Search Ads Setup. In this video John says that we also need to use presell page, but this time the website is created on Bluehost. It gets a little confusing. First of all, I want to know if I can use the same website presell for my ads on all networks if I advertise same offer and using the same presell page. Second, I need to know if I can only use one domain provider, either Bluehost or Coolhandle. I think, it would be a little easier to use one instead of two, unless thereā€™s some difference that I am not aware of. Could you answer these questions?

I have just set up my website and presell page. I am very excited. Thank you John! I followed step by step and is all good. I do have two screens, one my laptop and another second screen. It does help, because you can open what John is teaching. I paused and did what John was instructing.

Hello Yelena. Assuming you set up the SAS presell with your affiliate link embedded in the pop up, then yes, you would use your website instead of your affiliate link to advertise.

Thank you John. You are the first one to answer my question. Have a good day!