I received a mseeage from Facebook that my ad was saved as Draft

I received this message from facebook, “Your changes to US,CA,AU - 35+ have been saved as drafts automatically, but they aren’t running yet. Click “Publish Draft Items” to apply these changes and start running your ads.”. Do I want to publish my ad as a draft or did I do something wrong and if so how do I corrrct it?

If you are satisfied with your changes to the ad and want to run the ad, then you want to “Publish Draft Items”. Your ad will then go into review by Facebook. If you are not finished making changes to your ad, do not select “Publish Draft Items”, just continue to make your changes and FB will save them as a draft item.
Hope that helps!


If you click publish at the bottom of the ad (if you’re happy with it) it’ll come out of draft status and go into review.