I loved the end of Week 2

I have felt quite identified with John’s message in the last video of week 2.

I have been unemployed since the end of 2013. I have gotten temporary jobs, but I have always had in my mind that I want to be able to do it from home, that it is not difficult and that I like it.

Many times I saw things on the internet about making money online, but I couldn’t find the appropriate information. One day I was on a product page and saw something say “Affiliate Program”. This caught my attention and immediately I started to investigate and realized that it was what I had been looking for several years.

I was looking for information on the internet to get my bearings, I even saw videos of Creatani, but they didn’t give me all the information I needed. As he did at the time, I tried to do everything by myself. I created my website, several websites but I thought that they should have a different form than what is done for affiliate marketing. One of the first places I signed up was at Clickbank University. On one occasion I received training with Master John Crestani, but I understood that the course was very expensive and I did not have the money.

One day I talked to a friend and explained everything I was doing. She found a great idea and we agreed that we would-be partners. Since she likes to write and it was something new for me to write articles, we decided that she would write to them and I would review them. I had to do everything alone because my friend was busy with other things.

In June of last year, I had to travel to my country of origin, my mother was ill, with a one-year-old child to care for and many things pending. I didn’t have time to dedicate to my project, but when I could I tried to dedicate at least an hour late at night. Many times I fell asleep with my fingers on the keyboard in front of the computer.

At one point I was talking to my friend, she about her economic crisis and me about mine. She told me that I threw away my money with the websites, that I got involved and that I threw away my money. At that time I understood that I was completely alone, that this was my project and I had to continue on my own. Anyway, it always was.

One day I told my friend about something she had discovered and was helping me find my website on google, her response was sarcasm and I have not come back to mention the topic.

On the other hand, I have people pushing for me to get a job because I need the money, but I am clear that I DO NOT WANT A JOB. I WANT TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE FROM MY HOME. This has made me continue even though I feel that the world is against me.

Sometimes I have felt that what I lack is the technique of how to do it. I have had banned accounts, campaigns without a cent of income, among other things. I have been clear that I need a mentor who helps me with the technique and that is why I decided to do this course even without having the money. Today ended my first bell for my first solo and no income. The situation in the world at this time may not have helped me, but I have taken it as one more investment that has helped me to learn.

Quitting is easy, but from the first moment, we decide to quit we lose everything. If we strive and fight for what we want even without having the strength, one day it will come. It’s happened to me before, so we can never quit.


Wow Maria, thanks for this positive feedback!
But mostly I’d like to thank you for this very private insight!!! Very inspiring and I am very happy to have you with us! Keep this positivity and keep spreading your spirit :rainbow:

Dear Maria

My admiration for your resilience. To your success! I have no doubt that you have already succeeded.

Thank you Bastian, there are always up and downs, but the important is to continue moving forward.

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Thanks Aminalucas, God is allowing it.