I get lost in The 17 step copywriting template that gets people to BUY

I have a hard time to understand the 17 step, I don’t know why but I just want to know if anyone have the same feeling…

Its totally complicated. Not exactly for newbies, but I figured ‘hey, what the heck, ill throw in some advanced marketing stuff here’

Do you think

  1. I should remove it because its too confusing?
  2. I should keep it?
  3. I should move it to another section?

Let me know!

I have compiled some additional free information from my friends about copywriting here, if you want to learn more about that skill, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs8r4YbfXv0&list=PLH5uPY760sBMavPV6Qem5kw2sS2ciA9I_

Let me know what your thoughts are. I want to make sure the information provided in the course is as helpful as possible to helping you get your first sales online, and if this isnt helping, Ill totally cut it out.



Definition keep it. :blush:

It may come handy when the need arise…

I could not get to the copywriting template has it been removed?

@pmibach, Week 3 wrap-up and special bonus video shows up for me. Have you completed all the other videos in week 3? If so, put in a ticket… I am not there yet… but I would like to have access. As my affiliate marketing career progresses I would like to be able to access further information!

can’t even find this – where did you get it? when i tried to open it, it wouldn’t

can’t find it either

@pmibach @sabriga Hey guys!

Here are the YouTube links:

Part 1:

Part 2:

I love your teaching can i put it on my facebook page

The Video Part 1 covers Steps 1-4 and the Video Part 2 covers Steps 9-11.
In the beginning of part 2, John says than the full version is in the course, but where is it?
Please, someone knows?
Thank you and good business!