I feel like I am missing something

I have done everything up to the point of doing my own solo ads twice. I was able to implement tracking on those solos but then I get to Brian Bisco’s videos and I am trying to figure out how to do the retargeting campaign for my two solo ads. He’s talking about having a Facebook Business account and also a ClickFunnels account. We haven’t gone over any Facebook or ClickFunnels items thus far. So how do I set these up and do I need to have other things set up as well?

It Would really be nice if there were like attachments or a checklist for each video so that we are able to actually follow along and do the steps like we are told will make us money. If we have no clue as to what this is and someone starts going into all these different sites that we haven’t set up and don’t know how to set up, how are we supposed to start making any money?

After the Brian Bisco videos, at the beginning of the first video that goes back with john he says that we need to stop and go back and do all of the steps. I’m sorry but I can’t read between the lines. I will follow all of the steps and whatever I’m told what to do to implement the system, it just seems like I’m missing something.

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Hi @douglasmcateer, I understand the confusion on the first week since we’ve recently shuffled the course a little and moved Solo Ads to the first week, rather than one of the last ones, to add some actionable content to that week, and that resulted in some confusing references by John and Brian, which you will understand very soon on upcoming modules.