I am having troubles getting my website to launch

I am really lost at the moment. I can not seem to get my website to launch correctly. Is there any way to have someone walk me through it?

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Hi there, @kimberlyjensen17. You can send me a screenshot of the page where you are stuck or the steps you have already taken to [email protected] and I’d be glad to help.

Also let me know what process and tool you are using, are you using the manual method on bluehost, or are you using Clickfunnels or SASPanel?

You can also send them here and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Or any other members can help you as well.

Is there a difference between clickbank and SasPanel website? I thought they were separate. I am trying to create my website. I have my domain just need to make sure I have a website created to start any affiliate offers.

having the same problem

I already sent my question to support , but my domain on SAS panel is has not worked because according to YouTube and SAS forum I don’t have a secure domain set site it doesn’t have the " lock symbol’ and in this case google is not opening up my webpage because its “NOT SECURE Website” anyways im sharing because I have not been able to move forward because of this problem. I am not able to do anything from SAS Panel to launch presell pages or launch a new one. Please help me im stuck I need an SSL certificate for my Domain

I am having the same probablem. Have you found out how to fix it yet?

having te same problem I think?