I ain't giving up!

Hello Friends,
I just wanted to share something.
I consider myself a slow learner, which is okay, because I am determined to succeed in affiliate marketing.
If anyone else is struggling, don’t feel like the lone ranger.
I am 59 years old, high school dropout with a GED, or I like to call it a Good Enough Diploma.
All this information is like drinking water from a fire hose, but I am learning something everyday.
I have posted a solo add, got a web site, joined Clickbank, Paypal, Bitly.com, Bluehost, Click Funnels, Skype, Udimi, Read “Zero to One”, Listened to all the Disc’s on, “Your Wish is Your Command”, finished Week One of training about 3 times, and watched no telling how many you tube videos, etc.
This is not to brag, because its taken me about 3, almost 4 weeks to get this far.
But look at all I learned that I did not have a clue about just a month ago.
By clicking on one of John Crestani’s facebook ads, my outlook on life and understanding has already changed for the better.
I believe God made a way to give me this hope that I had no idea existed a month ago. I am just thankful to be a small part of this community.
Also, I feel the need to encourage someone out there not to give up, no matter what. You are not alone. Onward & Upward!!
God Bless all ya’ll, from Centerville Georgia.


Wow, You are a brave man Tim, Thank you for sharing this, Good luck man :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you Tim for sharing this. It is really inspiring. I am just finishing week one and it feels good to here from others you about their experiences. Good luck with everything :slight_smile:

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Hi Tim,

First of all I would like to thank you for sharing your experience in your journey with SAS, I joined the SAS training programme recently on 05th August’19 and am determined that I will succeed and achieve my goals. As English is not my mother language am find it challenging and fun at the same time. I am 18 years old with 35 years of life experience.
Am learning everyday from the programmed and I look at this way that late is better than never.

Many Thanks once again for your encouraging.

Talk to you soon.

Good luck to all

Abdul from Bahrain


Hi Tim,

You don’t need to worry about going slower than anyone else, you can take the training at your own pace.

Sometimes watching the videos more than once helps immensely when it comes to absorbing information.

If you ever have any questions or need assistance you can always contact us at the support desk [email protected]. None of our students are ever alone in this, we’re here to back you throughout your journey :slight_smile:


Thank you. I really appreciate it Sabrina.

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Your message is quite encouraging. I am new to the whole concept. I consider every click a learning process. Knowing there are people out there who also started off from nothing and making progress is so heart-warming. #ain’t giving up. It gets better with every click



I joined on July 19th.

Its already week 3 finished course.

I did face book business page. Website got fully through training. Waiting still to get my click bank account to get active.


Dr. Rambabu Acupuncturist India

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