How to promote other products

hey there… great stuff thus far. I’m looking at toying around with a few other products and am coming to a bit of a stumbling point. I’ll give an example - text/chemistry, affiliate URL below. I can’t seem to find anywhere content material for creating my own presell page.

Can I assume correctly that we do not buy ads that direct traffic to their sale page? We don’t advertise our hop links, we advertise our presell pages and in that presell page we entice our traffic to click a link (our hop link)?

thanks in advance!

Hi Rob,

You need to select products that offer you the correct tools to use. I see they do have a funnel available and banners. They do have a video landing page: View Video Landing Page So you would want to go from your ad or presell page to the video page via the hoplink.

John has products listed in the forum and on the resources page you can market.

These links should help you out:

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thank you.

So is it OK to advertise my hop link directly in Google and all the rest?

Google and Facebook dont allow direct linking, so you will need a presell page.

thank you. That’s what I thought, but I’ve only been doing this for 4 days so wasn’t completely sure.

So we have to create our own presell pages when promoting offers that don’t include that. That makes sense. And now I’m a bit lost since I don’t have presell page design/copy writing training.

TBH, I’m a bit surprised this isn’t covered in this training during presell pages week (week 4). It would be relevant and appropriate to show us what industry standard is for promoting other products on clickbank.

I appreciate the confirmation - thanks.

John gives you the setups for products that are selling well in Clickbank. Most people that have products will provide you with the proper materials to market with. Your success is their success.