How to keep your email ads out of spam?

Hey fellow SASers,

Just a thought that popped up in my head after I paid for my first udimi ad trying to promote a Youtube MMO course.

What if the emails sent out end up in the spam folder thanks to the clever spam filters on gmail type accounts ?

Any experience with this anyone ?

Any guidelines for the swipe writing to stay out of the spam folder ?

Someone please tell me I am wasting my energy on a non-issue ?



Hi Ramakant,

I think John has some resources on this very topic. Let me search that out because I know there is a way to avoid the spam folder.

i am interested in the answer to this as well.
i havneā€™t seen any areas that this is answered so i would like to know as well,

One of the best ways is to have your own domain email like [email protected] or [email protected] using free emails like gmail and other to sent your message

One way I have seen from other successful marketers to completely avoid the spam issue is to engage with customers, create some rapport and ask them explicitly to add your email address to their contacts list.

@hmassghati I thought you might be interested in this thread regarding avoiding spam filters. :slight_smile:

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Hey guys, letā€™s clarify a bit more (good idea for an article by the way, let me work on that.)

there are a few general guidelines that have to come first when you are sending an email, since THE LAW actually have some strict limitations regarding email marketing. Important points being:

  • Never use deceptive headers, From names, reply-to addresses, or subject lines.
  • Always provide an unsubscribe link. (Handled automatically by most autoresponders)
  • The unsubscribe link must work for at least 30 days after sending. (same as above)
  • You must include your physical mailing address.

Now to break the spam filter bypassing into general topics, Letā€™s first tackle content:
Content and formatting: Some spam filters will flag emails based on specific content or images they contain, but thereā€™s not an all-encompassing set of best practices to follow or things you absolutely need to avoid. But, we do have a few recommendations:

  • Design your campaign to be clear, balanced, and to promote engagement from your subscribers.
  • Make sure your subscribers have opted-in to receiving your emails.
  • Be consistent. Try not to stray too far from the content and design that your audience already associates with your brand, or social media channels.
  • Test, test, test! Use different approaches to learn how changes with your content affects delivery and engagement.

General guidelines:

  • Use a familiar ā€˜Fromā€™ name

According to research, 68% of Americans base their decision to open an email campaign on the From line.

  • Use segmentation to send targeted, relevant campaigns

Rather than sending the same email to your entire list, try segmenting your list and targeting the campaign to those who you know are going to be interested in that specific email.

  • Use a real reply-to address in your campaigns

One of the key signals email providers like Gmail and Outlook use to determine whether your latest campaign makes the inbox is whether or not you have received responses to your previous emails.

  • Configure your account to send from your business domain

As mentioned above, this is important for honesty and consistency :slight_smile:

More to follow. Have you guys seen the Mailchimp email list builder tutorial?


Also, in regards to Udimi (or any other Solo Ad provider), keeping your messages out of spam is part of their job. They deliver CLICKS, thatā€™s an advantage of using such a service, you know that the target audience WILL click your ad, and you know exactly how much (at maximum) your every click costs.

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