How to get the SAS presale page in Clickfunnel?

I’m interested in steps how to get the link for SAS Presale page [2019] ?
When I click “Resources Link” the UI for me is different from UI from John video ( possible the newest version is actual). So, there is no link " When I make a search with key words
SAS Survey Pages [2019] - nothing pop-up on my Clickfunnel account.
There is no link " JC Survey Presell Page HERE " inside Sources page - I clicked on every link there.
So, I need help - who can point me to the right direction? Thank you.

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Go to the resources page and then to to Presell Pages, the first option in there is the Clickfunnel. If you click on that when you are logged into Clickfunnels ti will automatically load the funnel for you. .

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