How to get the bonus

Can someone help me get into the bonus for vision board exercise. i have tried,or but its not working for me help me please.

I got the same result but there are a ton of videos on creating vision boards on YouTube so worth a look there!

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thank you Dave i look into that. have a blessed day

Hi @rofemayo and @dagmanley. We apologize for the inconvenience. There was a recent problem with the video due to the format being Flash, which Chrome doesn’t support anymore.

However, you should get an access to it through the new course.

So make sure to attend tomorrow’s weekly webinar. You can register for our weekly webinars for free here if you haven’t yet. Ilya will also be introducing the new course on the 14th of May webinar. See you then!

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thank you . i missed the webinar i hope to fing the link somewhere.

Hi @rofemayo, you should be receiving a separate email from us with your SAS Pro log in details soon. :slight_smile:


Thank you i got it blessing…

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You are welcome! Enjoy the new course!