How to appeal a suspension for "Cloaking"

My account was suspended for “cloaking” which in the description sounds like they do not allow what the SAS teaches us to do - create a landing page vs using the raw link. This is confusing and frustrating as the SAS made it clear that they do not allow raw links from click banks. So why am I getting banned?? And how do I fix it?

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I’m in the same boat. After I tried to use the coupon codes for google, they suspended my account immediately after registration. My suggestion is to register without using the coupon code as I think that is throwing up an automatic flag on Google’s system unless someone else has successfully used the promo codes in the resources section. I’m now in google purgatory and just keep getting automatic replies on how I’m circumventing systems which doesn’t really help. I’ll keep you posted if I find any resolution to this suspension and provide any advice as i go along here. Hopefully, maybe someone else might be able to shed some light on this for us or has experience with this type of situation.

Hi there, @apr11682 and @otwania123.

You can check this article about circumventing systems policy to know more about this violation.

And if you feel that you did not violate any of the things mentioned in the article, here is the form to appeal the Circumventing Systems violation/suspension: 

Hello, my account is facing a suspension as well. How long did you have to wait until your account was reactivated?