How To Analyze Results


anyone know any resources as to how to analyse results for FB, Google and Youtube marketing?

I am just in Week 2, but peeked ahead and did not see any obvious video titles nor Support Desk topics mentioned (but may have looked for wrong keyword?).

Just interested in:

  • typical CTR to expect
  • when to cut keywords
  • how to make statictical significant decisions
  • what to do after x days of $y spend
  • when to add keywords (and how? Add to existing adset or create new)
  • when to add demographics (and how)


Do a search for your keywords in the system. Keep on learning the system, and ask specific questions. With examples, if possible. Give your results and ask for opinions. There may be a number of different thoughts.
Also, do Google searches on your keywords. There is a wealth of information out there that cannot be put into a reasonably concise course. Obstacles are part of building a business! I know - I have already had a couple that I had to resolve! Good luck.

Hey William! Each ad platform is unique in many ways, including how we analyze campaigns, optimize budgets, target, etc. And they are always changing!

The best thing you can do right now is follow the training as it is rolled out, do your best to stay focused on the task(s) of today rather than those of next week, and, most importantly, take action!

As you go through the training, keep posting questions here in the Forum and we will do our best to provide actionable information. I will be posting some videos in the coming weeks and these are the types of topics we will be addressing.

As a general rule, if your ad(s) has been running for 48 hours and you are not seeing any initial engagement, I recommend pausing that campaign/ad set/ad and creating a new one with a different image.

In fact, I suggest launching your Facebook campaigns like this:

Campaign (with specific demographic and/or geographic targeting)
Ad Set 1 --> Ad image 1 / Ad image 2 / Ad image 3
Copy ad 1 set 2x

So you launch with 3 ad sets, each with 3 ads with unique images for a total of 9 ads.

You can also duplicate that campaign, but with a less targeting (i.e. 18-65+, M+F, living in 30 miles around Dallas) which let’s Facebook figure out the best audiences for your ad(s).

Let those ads run for no less than 24 hours (closer to 48 is best) and then check how the ads are performing. You should have some clicks/hops and maybe a conversion by then - really any sign of life is good - and you can start killing off the other ads which are not performing as well. After a few days (sometimes a full week) you should have only one ad remaining, which is your top performer.

Google is an entirely different animal. There really isn’t a “typical” CTR, but again, if your ad(s) have been delivering for 48 hours and you’re not getting any clicks or engagement, I recommend pausing and re-examining your setup, settings, etc.

Google has a very helpful keyword planner built in, and you can find lots of other kw tools online, but you don’t need to spend a great deal of time here. Chose your best 5-10 keywords, build out your modifiers, and keep moving. Remember, you can modify kw sets and add/remove keywords anytime you want.

Also, with Google Ads, you need to put more effort into your bidding method and strategy than you do with Facebook. Here is a strategy I was taught by a former Googler and tend to follow:

Google Ads Bidding Progression

At campaign launch, use “Maximize Clicks” bidding until you have 3-4 conversions, then switch to “Enhanced CPC” and once you have ~15 conversions switch to “Maximize Conversions”. Finally, once you hit 30 conversions, you can switch to “Target CPA” and set the CPA to an appropriate number based on the bidding progression you just went through.


Just remember, each platform has it’s own nuances, so if you don’t navigate through them slowly and deliberately you will pay the price lol. It takes time to get the hang of each platform, but after you’ve been using them for a while, they will get easier. Also, don’t forget to use the built-in support with each platform! You can learn a lot by talking with their support reps!


Thanks NeuralMarketer,

great answer with amazing detail - exactly what I was looking for.
Many thanks!


Very helpful content & not just motivational fluff which is what I see a lot of here. Thank you sir!!

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I’m bookmarking this page for reference! Great stuff, thanks for the detail.

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