How to add Crestani's SAS promotion on my subpage?

Hello future jetsetters,

I already have a Wordpress website through Hostgator. Now
I will create a subpage on my website:
(that is easy to create).

After that, I will use John’s hoplink, or some sort of code, to present
John’s SAS offer on my subpage (that is diffiult to me).

The goal is to make my subpage look like this page:

Any step-by-step instructions out there?

Ps I have LeadPages and love it,
but can buy Clickfunnels if I must.

You can use the manual method to add the files into your CPanel if you wish (free) or use clickfunnels: (it says bluehost but for the most part, all host companies are very similar)

Instead of adding it to public_html, add it into your subdomain folder in your file manager :slight_smile:

Thank you Sabrina :slight_smile:

It worked, here is the result

Really hope I got my hoplink right…

Hey Stefan, your hoplink seems to be flawless, good job!

Awesome Ilya,

On ClickFunnels, I just installed a tracking code from Udimi
AND a Facebook tracking code.

I guess it is possible to use several tracking codes in the header section? ClickFunnel’s stats should soon see if that works…

You got it spot on Stefan!


For advice on tracking and marketing questions, join the Thursday webinars with @AndyStewart or join the inner circle with John. The next one is Sept 20th.

Great Sabrina!

Joined the Inner Circle 10 minutes ago.
Didn’t get the 2 emails for access yet.
Maybe it will come later.


You can access it from your members area by clicking inner circle, no need for additional log in details :slight_smile:

The 2 emails are in reference to the 2 you receive when joining SAS :wink:

Still getting “Invalid Access” when clicking the “Inner Circle” tab. :open_mouth:
Will see if I need to register or click some link for access.

Hi Stefan,

I apologise for the confusion, I’ve added this for you now :slight_smile:

Awesome Sabrina, it works now. :slight_smile:

Hi again,
Finished all of week one. Double-checked that all individual week 1 courses are completed, and answered what niche/s I will promote. Yet, I cannot move on to week two. Any ideas how I fix this?

Hey Stefan!

You’ll receive a new module every 7 days. Your next module will open up for you on September 21st.

There’s no way to jump ahead but if time does not allow you to complete a module you will be able to move at your own pace. The modules will all be continually available.

There are some additional training videos at the bottom of your members area if you complete your main training videos early.

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Great Sabrina,

Went through some of the extra resources.
Looks good!

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