How long does it usually take to have a display ad approved?

Over 24 hours ago I posted a google SEARCH ad and it was approved right away. But then I posted a google DISPLAY ad immediately after and the status said under review. This has not changed from that status now for over 24 hours and i’m just wondering if that is normal with google?

mine took 2 or 3 days

I have had 3 clicks on my google search ad and it has cost me $17.16, for just 3 clicks!! Pretty crazy seeing I have a daily limit of $20. I thought facebook was expensive!!

How many impressions? Display ads go by impression I believe.

No I’m talking about my google SEARCH ad, my display ad is still under review. My google search ad has 464 impressions and 3 clicks.

When I ran mine, Started on the 11th and stopped on the 22nd
30,000 impressions, 216 clicks, Average CPC $0.72 total cost $156
Needless to say stopped that.

What is your bid set at on your keywords?
If it is any higher than $2 you are going to get eaten alive.

It’s saying maximize clicks for my bid strategy. It must be pretty high because my average CPC is $5.72, that’s just crazy. I still don’t have this software figured out yet I followed John’s training step by step.

I just clicked on my google search ad campaign, then clicked keywords. Then I clicked one of my keywords and hit edit. Then I clicked change max. cpc bids. It then showed no price for my bid so
I really don’t know what i’m paying

And you had no conversions after 216 clicks? WOW!

Yup, however that could be due to bot’s clicking my ads.

Hey Todd, I was just wondering if you could tell me if this looks right to you? It does not say a price next to the CA$. I don’t know what my max bid is set to? For one of my clicks I payed $6.95, i’m trying to set it for less then $2. Nothing happens when I type $2.00 and hit apply though?

Hi - I would suggest reviewing this information from Google and getting your bid lowered:

You are paying a high CPC. You can also contact Google and get an ad specialist to look over your ads and help you get the most cost effective clicks

You would need to look in your ad group to see how your bids are set.