How do we set up presell page with Bluehost

Hi gang,

I’m a little confused. I did not set up hosting and my domain with Coolhandle as was suggested by John, based on the recommendation from SAS staff to go with Bluehost. That has been set up but on the Manual method in week 2 John goes through setting up the Presaell page with Coolhandle and not Bluehosting. While on Bluehosting I tried locating the cPanel, file manager etc but I can’t seem to locate them. Can you kindly assist me on this, please?

Thanks in advance


Here’s the video from SAS 2.0 for using Bluehost:

Here’s our PDF walkthrough if you prefer to read and see screenshots :slight_smile:

The file manager in Bluehost can be found by going to Advanced > File manager.


Hi Sabrina,

Thanks for your help I’m in!!! I didn’t follow the links I just went to “Advanced” section in Bluehost and followed the Coolhandle video in week 2 as the platform is practically the same. It worked seamlessly.

LMJ :wink: