How do I start promoting

Hello Dear friends! Itā€™s me Saliou again. Since I introduced myself to you, Iā€™m still learning Johnā€™s Super Affiliate System lessons and different sources, Iā€™m getting there slowly. I have clickfunnel domain page now, but Iā€™m stuck to finish building my page, I have been watching Johnā€™s videos a lot but Iā€™m still have no idea yet how to get started. Last week Iā€™ve been trying to start promoting on clickbank Marketplace. Where is tracking ID, I donā€™t know how to fill that option then next page, John gave me some Ideas about it and I tried again, but doesnā€™t work. I donā€™t know if thereā€™s a problem with my clickfunnel website or not, Iā€™m not sure. Iā€™m still tucked. Sorry guys, as I told you, this is first time for me to start internet business. Iā€™m so glad to be here, some guy here are doing very well, because they understood how this system works. All the best to everyone. Thank you

Hi @soumahs, the tracking ID is an optional field for you to fill in. But to know more about it, you can check this article about hoplink and tracking ID.

Also, on the next module starting from week 3 to 6, you should be able to learn how to promote your products landing pages.

I hope this helps.

Thank you so much for your support.

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