How do I get order form impressions to count in ClickBank?

Hi everyone!

First of all, I love the amount of value the forum is adding to the course, awesome job John and the Team!

I’m hoping you can help me as I’m having trouble with order form impressions not counting in my Clickbank reporting.

I’ve been sending traffic through FB ads to my page ( using the JC squeeze page in my ClickFunnels. When I test it, I go through the survey and fill in the details with my email address. I get all the relevant emails from the funnel and even click on the link for the webinar, it all works. I even get the hop count in CB, but for some reasons I don’t get any order form impression count.

I’ve tried using a normal tab in Chrome, as well as an Incognito tab and I get the same result. I’ve definitely changed the link in the landing page to my affiliate link.

Any ideas as to what I’m doing wrong? I’m concerned I’m sending traffic and not getting the results for it.


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Good for you on testing to make sure it all works! You said you did not get an Order Form Impression count in CB. Question: Once you opted into the seminar, how far along in John’s presentation did you watch? Did you get to the part where you click to Order? Did you click that?


No, I didn’t click that. I was under the impression that as soon as someone goes through the survey and opts in to the webinar, you get an order impression count.

Isn’t that the case?


You won’t get an order form impression in your CB account unless someone makes it through the webinar and loads the order form. The webinar is a bridge between the hop and the order form. You can read a detailed article about CB’s reporting here:

Hi Sara,

I never thanked you for the information, it all makes sense now.
