How do I change the affiliate link on the presell page to mine?

Hi! Can someone please help me fix my presell page to link to my clickbank ID? I’m confused. I clicked onto edit page but I’m not sure where to enter my clickbank affiliate link. Thanks in advance!

Are you using Clickfunnels or the manual method?
We’re working on PDF manuals with step by step instructions. Let me know which method you are working with and we’ll make that PDF first :slight_smile:

Check the training in Week 1 ‘Presell page setup’. Its in there :slight_smile:

I did both:)).
I think I got it but please send the pdf once completed.
Thank you!

Great. @SaraNightingale, please close a thread such as this for comments when the issue becomes resolved.

Obviously the issue is not resolved yet, but just a headsup :slight_smile:

When I posted this inquiry, I was following SAS 2.0 which was confusing for me. I have now switched over to SAS 3.0 and started from day 1 again and voila! SUCCESS in setting up the affiliate links.
SAS 3.0 is GREAT!

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