Hi to All Be Safe, Be Well

New Here from near Dallas, Texas USA No, I do not wear boots, wear a Big hat, own cattle or oil. I do enjoy being retired, got that way be being cut lose from a JOB a couple of years ago. Surprise, confusion, even a little anger turned into---- In-Joy! Now I’m re-exploring Life on mostly My own terms ---- Cool ! Be Safe, Be Well sm

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Hey Steward @STTMERRILL , this is just a little check-up on you…how is it going with the SAS PRO training?!

Here is a short reminder for you - make sure to embrace all these points in your daily work with the course modules:

Work hard and invest your honest and true dedication - success will only be a matter of time!
Best of luck and we are all looking forward to hear from you :sunglasses:

PS: Please upload a profile picture!