Hi there, fellow SASsers!

Hi there, fellow SASsers!

My name is Angela. I’m in San Diego. I currently provide web development and online marketing for businesses, mainly dentists. My goals are to find a way to create a recurring revenue business that doesn’t require me to deal with broken websites, tech support, coding, and server issues etc. at all hours. I am grateful for the work I have, but even when I travel I’m always on-call in case there is a website issue or the client has something that needs to get done immediately. I’m working toward trying to build a more hands-off business that allows me to actually take time off and relax.


HI @Angela

Welcome to SAS program.

Enjoy the journey.

Thank you, lea! Likewise! =)

Welcome Angela! I was in IT too. I remember those 2 am calls! It’s a stressful career choice. This will be much better!

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Hey there, Steve. You know it! Thank you for saying hi. I’m looking forward to learning everything I can here.

Welcome Angela , I am sure we are going to learn lots here

Thank you, kerrif! =) Hope it is going well for you so far!