Hi, Taona from Zimbabwe!

Hi everyone, my name is Taona and I’m from Zimbabwe, but have been living in Sweden for the past 5 years. I’m a chef by trade and work very long and irregular hours. I’m seriously looking for a way out as I’m married now and will be starting a family soon. I have people back home that are relying on me too, so I¨m SUPER amped to be here and a part of this community! Looking forward to a beautiful and rewarding journey ahead! Lets do it!!


We’re glad to have you here, @taonachindove. And congratulations on your growing family. We are looking forward to working with you in achieving your goal. :smiley:

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Wow so Glad to have you aboard. Let us know if we can assist in your journey.

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Thank you! Looking forward to it

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Thanks! Much appreciated :smile:

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Dear Taona @taonachindove, thank you for this little introduction. I am very pleased to meet you here - let me give you a warm welcome to the SAS PRO. From my heart, I wish you the greatest success and hope you will be able to make all of your dreams come true. This community will be your greatest support along the way, so let’s get this on together!
John and the SAS staff are happy to have you aboard! The whole team will be assisting you to make your journey to success and financial freedom as smooth and joyful as possible! Success is the sum of little progress that you are going to make day-in and day-out! And your job is to work consistently and stay focused at all times! With these essentials, there will be tremendous results waiting for you down the road!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly I’d like to encourage you to make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students - all of them are aspiring and passionate marketers. This helpful community of like-minded people will be a great source of both, knowledge and inspiration for you! Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can - simply benefit from one another and grow as a team!
On top of you should regularly use the Knowledge Base, where you can find plenty of additional instructions and tutorials.

One thing you must not miss are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings happening each Thursday. My colleague Ilya will guide you step-by-step through selected topics and you have the chance to ask any questions in the dedicated ‘Q&A’ part. Don’t miss it!

Alright Taona, if you have any open question please feel free to ask them right here…otherwise I will be happy to see you actively participating in our community life. All our members are curious to meet you -so no need to be shy or anything! Let’s embrace this beautiful opportunity and let’s get straight to work :muscle:
One last request: Please upload a profile picture for us :woman_cook: :man_cook:

Bastian thank you so much for the super warm greeting! Buying this course was a major decision for me and a turning point in my life. I just reached a point where I had to make a decision for my future and my family’s future. I have a full time job as a chef so my hours are pretty irregular, but I will be putting in max effort to get this done. Thanks again and really looking forward to it!!


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Sounds awesome, Taona! I wish you the greatest success with this new endeavour :blush: Let’s make it happen!