Hi Kayla from Washington State

Very excited to be here!

I am here to change my life around and start making money so that I can get the things I want and do the things I want to do; with the time to do them all.

I am not where I want to be financially or personally and I have always wanted to change my life around but wasn’t sure how to do it. But here I am! I am ready.

I am hoping to personally start earning 7k a month if not more to start with so that I can start actually seeing what I want as a possibility. And I would love to do this as soon as possible, so I am going into this with gusto.

So nice to meet you all and hope to talk to you more often.

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Hello and big welcome to the SAS PRO! It’s is wonderful to meet you, Kayla @animekay2 :star_struck: Thank you for this little intro of yours…it’s exactly as you say - if you want to achieve something in life, you simply have to make an effort and start working for it! Nothing is impossible and it doesn’t matter where your starting point is - all that matters is that you START! So here you are, you have successfully accomplished this first, but most important step :+1: Now let’s make sure that this new journey will be both joyful and successful -and that’s exactly where John and our SAS staff will support you with our best intentions! You show your effort and we augment the outcome!
You can always reach out for our technical support at [email protected] if you are stuck or have any sort of technical question. Beyond that you should make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students - all of them are aspiring and passionate marketers. Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can - simply benefit from one another and grow as a team!

My very last request for you is: Please upload a profile picture.

Have a great start and let’s make sure you will achieve your goals! Work steadily and patiently - success will follow :money_with_wings: