Hi ! I'm Isabel Negron Las Vegas, NV

I am currently working in a hospital lab as a Clinical Lab Scientist. My first goal is to be able to provide myself with an income stream to live at my current standard of living or better. My second goal will be reached once I create 6K in consistent income every month then I retire from the lab. I look forward to my success. I send success to all who read this post.

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Hello and warm welcome to you, Isabel @negron227 :star_struck:
Let me put it like this - your goals with the SAS PRO training are pretty realistic! You just have to put in the right amount of work and dedication - and if you do this consistently and efficiently, there will literally be nothing to stop you :blush:
Here is a little overview for you, so you can fine-tune your learning sessions each day:

Best of luck! :four_leaf_clover:

PS: Please upload a profile picture!