Hi from France, Just get started the course

Hi everyone,

I’m a Tunisian guy living in France, I’ve just joined SAS course yesterday and it sounds so good to get involved in and to share our different experiences to reach better goals and results.

See you and talk to you soon :slight_smile:



We’re glad you took the initiative to join us and wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business. Welcome to the family, @ljsalem68! :smiley:

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Yeah Haythem @ljsalem68, your positive energy is exactly what we need here…and it’s exactly what you need to master the art of affiliate marketing! Congratulations for joining the the SAS PRO and welcome to our fabulous community, that is always going to be with you side-by-side! :sunglasses:
John and our whole SAS team are happy to have you aboard! We will be assisting you wherever we can to contribute our fair share on your journey to success and financial freedom! Our goal is to make this new challenge as joyful and smooth as possible for you! Success is the sum of little progress that you are going to make day-in and day-out! It’s inevitable for you to work hard and stay focused at all times! It’s simple as this: If you are ready to contribute these essentials, there will be tremendous results waiting for you down the road!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly I’d like to encourage you to make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students - all of them are aspiring and passionate marketers. This helpful community of like-minded people will be a great source of both, knowledge and inspiration for you! Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can…You will easily benefit from one another and you are going to grow together as a team!
Further I’d advice you make regular use of our Knowledge Base, where you can find plenty of additional instructions and tutorials.

One thing you must not miss are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings happening each Thursday. My colleague Ilya is in charge of them and he will guide you step-by-step through selected topics. The dedicated ‘Q&A’ part will also give you the chance to have your questions directly answered. So please take advantage of these super helpful webinars!

You probably didn’t waste any time…so keep having a great start with our program, work hard and enjooooy! You will see how rewarding the feeling is, once all the pieces fall into place - but till then: WORK HARD and EARN IT :smiley: Best of luck!

Hello Bastian,

Sorry for replying late, I have not seen your message meanwhile. Thank you so these positive vibes and recommendations, but I have to say that the hardest issue I found to deal with is Facebook and Google Account suspension, it’s not easy at all to be compliant with even when starting with safe niche products as Speechelo for example. For example on FB after the 4th or 5th reactivation of my Ad account after appeal, since I duplicate for example a previous complete campaign, I got banned again and again however it was about promoting a safe product which is Speechelo with exact applying of the requirements mentioned in the weekly live webinar on this topic. It becomes to be more and more out of control of this compliance issue.

Same thing with Google Ad, since more than a month I got suspended several times, and every time I made a new account applying the VPN requirements I got anyway suspended again. I do suggest to establish a dedicated module through the SAS courses on this compliance issue as well as for Facebook or Google because being blocked at this level, it won’t be possible to do any affiliate marketing.

Currently, I just got an update on making a new safe Google Ad account as told by a SAS student, I will apply it and hope it will work this time because I’m tired of this blocking issue :frowning: