Hi From Downunder - Melbourne Australia

Hi Iโ€™m Mary from Downunder Melbourne Australia :grinning: :australia: :grinning:
Just joined SAS and looking forward to connecting with others and sharing with like minded people.
Please feel free to reach ot and say hi :wave:

Hi Mary I am Paula from Essex, UK. Hope you have brilliant results here.
I started 3 weeks ago and just placed my first ever solo ads today :smiley:

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Hi Paula, thank you for reaching out, lovely to hear from you.
Congratulations on your progress and look forward to hear your successes. :star_struck:

Thank you. Ive got 161 hops so far but no sales yet. At least the seeds are planted :grinning:

Hi Mary, Ive just joined up and would love to share the journey with someone who lives in Melbourne. I donโ€™t know if thatโ€™s something that resonates with you, but kind of like a mastermind / mentoring group. Let me know if youโ€™re interested in connecting and sharing ideas together. Warmest, Stef

PS My local mobile number is 0418548167 if you are interested in discussing further.