Hi! From Chicago

Hi everyone, my name is Ogechi and I am excited to be here learning along side you all.


Hello @ogechi.eto Good to see you have joined the community! These forums are great resources to ask questions, see who’s ads are working and what is working for them to be successful. Good luck and stay with it. Success is on it’s way!

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Welcome to the SAS family, @ogechi.eto! :smiley:

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Hi Ogechi @ogechi.eto - we are at least as excited to have you in our team!!! Welcome to the course!
John and the SAS staff are happy to have you aboard and we will be your companions on this new journey! Success is the sum of little progress that you are going to make day-in and day-out! So work consistently, work thoroughly and be patient…all the pieces will fall into place at some point!

Do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected] whenever you get stuck. Also there is always our community which will be a great source of both, knowledge and inspiration for you! Share your personal experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can - simply benefit from one another and grow as a team!
The Knowledge Base is the place where you can find plenty of additional instructions and tutorials.
One thing you must not miss are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings happening each Thursday. They are fun and super helpful at the same time!
Also please upload a profile picture for us!

Alright, now that’s all for now! We are looking forward to connect with you! Enjoy and let’s make this happen :white_check_mark:

Greetings everyone

I’m Kaz from Illinois and enthused about learning in

a like minded environment where I seek to grow

and become more knowledgeable in this space.

One of my goals is to build a consistency sales

that’s sustainable.