Hi everyone from Oxford, UK - excited to be here

Hi all,

Just joined on Friday, my name is Ed Dillon and I’m doing this course with my wife Lisa.

We live in Oxford in the UK, my wife works in the healthcare sector in one of our local hospitals and I work as an IT Account Manager. We are really excited to be here as our number one goal is to get out of the rat race ASAP. We want to be able to work from anywhere in the world and to travel as much as we can with our two boys.

Really looking forward to learning and growing on this course and working with you all.

All the very best for now,

Cheers Ed & Lisa

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Welcome Ed & Lisa. Nice to have members from across the pond. Best of luck.

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Thanks Daniel, best of luck to you also !

HI Ed and Lisa,

Natalie here, also from England. I am on week 3 training and really enjoying it. Also from healthcare, also working with my husband! Hoping to have some serious success and change my life for the best.

Keep in touch, would be great to get out of the rat race!

Hi Natalie,

Nice to meet you and thanks for reaching out. We are just starting week 1 tonight and are very excited whats coming our way. Let’s keep in touch as it would be great to know how you guys are getting on!!!

Here’s to everyone’s success in making this work and getting out of the rat race!!

Welcome Ed & Lisa. I’m new too.

Hi there. good to meet you and hope all goes well on the course.

Keep in touch!

Cheers Ed.

Cheers Ed and Lisa and welcome aboard this wild ride! I too am super pumped to soak up and learn all I can to enjoy the :time: freedom that I desperately need in my life. I too would love to travel with my two little girls who are my world. Best of luck and best wishes to your success and your family! See you around!