Hi everyone, August from Spain

Delighted to be here, with all of you. Working for learning these new abilities for opening new success paths.
I’m spanish, sorry if I don’t express in proper english sometimes, I hope to be understood.
Reading and listening comprehension, no problem for me. Worse writing and talking, but I’ll surely improve practising with all the material of the course and a lot more than I consume in english.
Thank you for reading this and much luck and successes!!


Welcome Aibanon/August
follow the program step by step and look around get acquainted and you will do really well.
welcome to the tribe

Jonathan From Orlando Florida

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Hi there, @aibanon. Welcome to the SAS family!

No worries about not speaking or expressing your thoughts in proper English.

SAS students came from different countries, and google translate is there to help
. :rofl:

Kidding aside, what is important is the knowledge you get from this course. :smiley:

Make sure to visit our knowledgebase, we have lots of helpful articles and info there.

And register for our weekly webinars if you haven’t yet. Every week we have a live Q&A session where you can ask questions, as well as a special training session where we’d be going over a chosen subject. . Here you can find the outline and replays of the latest sessions.

We wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business.

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Ola Aiban @aibanon - don’t you worry, your English is just perfect! :muscle:
I hope your first week with the SAS PRO has been joyful and productive! It’s great to have you aboard - I’d like to officially welcome you on behalf of John and the SAS staff. Let’s make this journey a successful one - let’s create a great and successful future for yourself!

Best of luck! :blush:

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