Hi everyone, anyone can verify this for me

How do i know my domain link works, if it counts hops in click banks?

My understanding is: Using Clickfunnels Usually your domain name points to a page that redirects to clickfunnels then when they click on clickfunnels to enrol for webinar a hop is recorded by Clickbank
Manual method: again page on your domain has to have visitor click to go to enrol for webinar for a hop to be counted.
So domain may work but no hops until someone does next step of going to enrol in webinar.

You can post your domain link in this thread for people to try out.

Test your link by typing it into your address bar and pressing enter. If you are taken to the SAS presell page, it works.

To check if your hops are registering, click on your domain url and go through the survey to the registration confirmation page.

If your link has been set up correctly, your hops will show in your Clickbank account under “reporting”

If your hop has registered successfully, you should see it here:


Hope this helps.


If it looks like this, means it works? :slight_smile:


Yep, your hops are registering fine :slight_smile:

Great thanks :), i had btw two disaproval facebook ads, and i attachted that legal letter from John cristani, and they have just aproved it, and i hope i get some commissions really :slight_smile:

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where is this legal letter for facebook rejected ads??? I have been trying to get them approved for weeks.

Hi, Yuriy is here with the same problem - rejecting add from FB. Can you attach that legal letter from John? Thank you in advance. :+1: