Hi Everybody. Pam from Denver here :)

Hello Everyone - My name is Pam and I’m fairly new to the course. I joined in early November and am starting slow. I’m new to affiliate marketing so I am going slowly through the first modules and actually going back over the videos and information before starting with the ads which I’ll do soon. Looking forward to learning the program and having success in affiliate marketing.


I’m glad to see you here and finally joined the forum, @PJFAffiliate. I hope to see more of you here. :smiley:

Hi Pam @PJFAffiliate, it’s great to see you working thoroughly through each steps…going back to previous modules to bone up the knowledge- this is good and can indeed be highly beneficial, as long as you always keep a certain pace and stay consistent in order to not get partly detached or aimless! Anyway, I am happy to see you joining our community forum, although you have been with us for quite a while now… :heart_eyes:. You are definitely going to love this community as you will be able to gain so much support and knowledge from your fellow student colleagues, who are all aspiring and passionate marketers. So I’d really like to encourage you to make use of this super helpful community of like-minded people, with whom you can share personal experiences or simply discuss affiliate marketing topics…everyone will be happy to assist you, whenever you post your own questions. You will easily benefit from one another and you are going to grow together as a team!

Once again big Welcome to or community forum! Don’t be a stranger and make sure to regularly spend some time in our community forum! We are all looking forward to meet and work with you!

Keep up the good work and please upload a profile picture for us :v:
Good luck!