Hey Community, Challenge setting up Website on BH using the Manual Method

I followed all the steps while watching the video and when I got to the part where I was to go to the Resource page, Click on Presell Pages, I chose the SAS Presell Page (Manual Method). Once I clicked on it it wouldn’t appear on my computer though it would let me “download”. Everything looked fine, I cut and paste as suggested - all without a problem. Challenge is the website does not come up and show it as Coming Soon. What have I done wrong? I have watched the video a few times and checked my work multiple times. Looking to make it work.

Hi @pinnaclepro

I had similar issue, two things might have gone wrong.
1- you did not launch your website in blue host
2- you should first click on “public_html” on the left hand side of your page before click on “add folder” so your new ‘test’ folder will be created under ‘public_html’

hope it helps!

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Yep Saleh is right :slight_smile:

Most commonly it is due to the site being on a “coming soon” status:

Log into your bluehost account, then go to ‘sites’ on the left hand side menu. Then over over your domain and ‘log in to Wordpress’. Then click that orange ‘coming soon active’ banner above. And choose to launch the site or deactivate the ‘coming soon’. Then it should all work :slight_smile: