HELP - Solo ads

I processed my first sale last night - used Stephan Lindbom --who I thought stats looked pretty good. This morning I wake to a message that he will not be taking my business because I choose NO MOBILE — and he can not do that.
I notice ALOT of them …say no mobile. Now I start all over.
Who is everyone else using ??

ALSO, I am supporting a children’s reading program. I am not seeing any sellers that are in category of education or anything like that. There are a few that just say CLICKBANK (which is where my products is listed) I tried to message this lady to verify she was the right fit before I waste money. I am not able to message her because my account is to new and they are protecting sellers from spam. I did the verify my account — but it still did not let me through.
Any suggestions on where to proceed from here ???


Try ‘with mobile’ as a test. As far as I know, you did get a sale from this seller.