Help....I'm confused!

I just finished watching “finding offers on other Affiliates” and at the end he says to “go apply for affilate networks…enjoy…go make some serious money” Am I suppose to be starting to implement these offers and stuff? I’m trying to do things as he says in each of the videos. But how am I suppose to start making money when I don’t know what to do with these links? I don’t even have a website yet? Will there be a step by step process in posting an offer? I don’t even understand the difference between a presell page and a landing page. Please help

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I am the same here. But what I did was go to the resources tap and open up the targeting file, afterwards, copied the emails in the file, pasted in my email and sent it out using the ad swipes that John showed us during the videos. Don’t know if they will bear any fruits, or even if I did it right, though. Hope this helps and wishing you all the best!

I just finished week 1 straight through without taking any action. Now I am going back to the beginning to take action. There were a number of places in week 1 where John asked us to do things he hasn’t taught us yet. I am hoping that following step-by-step to do solo ads, I can generate some profit so that I can keep going. It can be small, but something. To be honest, I would like to get good at solo ads, if that can generate a small steady income, say $200 a week.

I was also hoping to find some of that ‘free advertising money’ in the first week, but noooo.
Hope the new training material comes out soon also.

It was a complete failure!!!

So I guess we can’t use the targeting data to send ad emails to those people. I got all of the emails that I sent BLOCKED because it got marked as spam/junk, since I used a Hotmail email. I guess that’s something. Learned my lesson and won’t repeat it in the near future.

Hi all,

I’m confused as well. I really dont know where I start solo ads and which product I should promote on Clickbank? should i take action end of each video? pls help me to clarify

yes I am the same like you : ) but we will try

So good to hear someone else who feels like this course is designed for those who are already in this work. He says it a few times, “Go out and make money…” as if it’s just click and play. My feeling is there is a baseline assumption that people are already in this field and know how to do certain things. I see this consistently in the first week in the videos I have watched, and am now in the “solo ads advanced” and he mentions that there is a video before that talks about solo ads, but I do not see such video, and I do not even know what a solo ad is before entering the “advanced” solo ads course, so perhaps he has left out a few videos? John? ? In the advanced solo ads video, there also seems to be a lot of assumptions on terminologies, etc. as if I am supposed to already know and understand concepts that have yet to be taught or explained in the course videos… ? I feel the same as you. I think for advanced masterful people, as a rule, it can be very hard to understand a true beginner mind and how far over our heads he is in talking about things that he seems to assume we already know… It’s common, but maybe we can help him to truly help beginners more by getting this to support…?

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