Hello, Tribe! Ernie from near Clemson, SC USA

I’m retired from I.T. work, reTREADED and really ready to rock and roll HERE !
I’m a single work-alone grandpa of 6, great grandpa of 1, and have “adopted” a number of strugglers along Life’s road. Need encouragement? I’m your true friend, anywhere in the world!

My goal is 10k per month as a “softer” place to work from, reinvesting so that revenues increase geometrically with greater investment. I LOVE TO DOUBLE MY MONEY ! don’t you?

This site is already awesome, and I haven’t started Mod 1 yet. Everything I’ve seen is CLASS ACT, and is so genuine and authentic. We ARE in the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME ! E.


Hey Ernie Hi glad you are here!

Ernie, Awesome and Thank You is all I can say!

Myself and my entire team have worked really hard to deliver up this entire new course and everything else involved, and Im super stoked that it is finally here!

Theres a lot of hidden gems and bonuses I also sprinkled throughout the course, so be on the lookout for those :slight_smile:


Hi Ernie! Glad to meet you in the forum. Congrats on the grandchildren and the great grandchild…they are the greatest gifts you will ever receive. I hope you are a TIGER fan. My daughter (with me in my profile pic) graduated from Clemson in 2016. Greatest experience in her LIFE!! Not too bad for me either…haha. Best of luck with this business venture. Maybe we can meet at a Clemson game sometime.

Money loves speed! In 24hrs, I have a new site, CF up and running to my affiliate link ON the site, and the site pretty well secured with SSL and settings adjustments. I AM SO IMPREsSED, John. Thank YOU for all YOU do and have done to make this all possible. Ernie

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I love the Tigers, and what Dabo has instilled is more than PRICELESS, win lose or draw. And, as winners, they exhibited such class! wow.

I pretty much stay in my apartment, and write, think, meditate, and help others. I’m not into crowds and noise! so I watch all games on TV… sick, right? LOL

But Starbucks or Ruby Tuesday, ANY time you are in town ! 423-435-5861

Dabo has created the greatest atmosphere in college football. He and the TIGERS are the CLASSIEST team in the country…not to mention the BEST team as well. The entire vibe at Clemson, the town, the University, the sports, the people…is INCREDIBLE!! Love it all. So glad my daughter was able to experience four fantastic years at Clemson…and will always be a TIGER!!! Ruby Tuesday will be fine with me. I will contact you next time I am in Clemson.

Thats darn right!


Wow - it just goes to show that it is never too late to start a better life - respect!

TODAY is all we EVER have ! Why not live it FULLY and COMPLETELY !
cheers to you, Sanjay

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Very wise words - wishing you all the best!

Hi all, especially MindsetRising and Clemsondad5! I will introduce myself shortly but had to jump on the Clemson discussion! I have a daughter who graduated 2015 and is a nurse in Raleigh! We love Clemson and we love Dabo for all the same reasons! Have really enjoyed the ride! Big fans. We also have an ECU pirate and an Auburn Tiger! So happy to join this community and have great hopes, plans and goals!

Hi Ernie! Ex-IT guy here too. I agree, the SAS training is top-notch. Now, it’s really all up to us - just follow it step-by-step…

Hello my name is Mario Espinosa and I’m Brazilian and I really enjoyed your testimonial. Just as you are starting my studies with this fantastic SAS team I am very optimistic about the results and I hope to learn a lot too. I am already 51 years old and I am old for the job market, in Brazil a 51 year old is already old and confined to not getting more work, so I opted for Digital Marketing. We are together on this journey! It was a pleasure to see your text and your message of optimism.

Hi Ernie, glad to see someone from the Carolina neighborhood. I am in Pinehurst, NC. Nice to see that I am not the only one here with a lot of life experience.

Beautiful testimonial Ernie! I am new here and trying to leave the welcome still, because I can not get the release for week 1 … I wish you much success!