Hello to everyone here

Hi everyone. My name is Terry and I’m from Dubuque, Iowa and very happy to be here. I’m currently starting a new job at a food factory this week. I have been wanting to do affiliate marketing for a long time now, but I started this week. I seen other affiliate marketing business training programs advertised on Youtube, but I decided to go with John Crestani’s program instead. Because I’ve watched many of John’s videos and I enjoyed his passion for this business and helping others make money too. And also he has some really great bonuses that the others didn’t have.

I’m doing this to supplement my income but if for some reason I get really good at this I might leave my new job and move out of state too. I’d like to get through this SAS training and become very successful at it and earn that $10,000 a month or more. I may not get there right away, but that is my main goal. So I am very happy to meet all of you here and very happy that I made the right decision to get started with this.

Best of luck and prosperity to all,
Terry A.


Welcome to the SAS family, @indigocrysto! We’re glad you took the initiative to join us here at SAS and wish you the best of luck with your affiliate marketing business. Looking forward to working with you. :smiley:

Dear Terry @indigocrysto, it’s a pleasure to meet you here! Thank you for this little intro of yours…I a glad to hear you evaluated a bunch of other courses and finally decided to go with the SAS PRO. This was a very well-considered step and John and our whole SAS team are happy to have you aboard! We will be supporting you wherever we can and contribute our fair share to make your new journey as successful as possible! Your success is also our success and therefor this course will provide you with everything you need to make it big time! But always keep in mind that success does not start with hesitation, it starts with massive action! The best support and mentoring is quite useless if the person itself doesn’t get the work done! You are the protagonist in all of this and your determination alone will bring you closer to success and financial freedom! Let’s be honest about it - it’s not going to be an easy road! But I can promise you - the hard work is all going to be worth it in the end!!!

Whenever you have a question, do not hesitate to reach out for our technical support at [email protected]. More importantly I’d like to encourage you to make use of our forum and engage with your fellow students, who just like you are all aspiring or experienced marketers. This wonderful community of like-minded people will be a great source of knowledge for you! Benefit from each other and work and grow as a team! Share your experience, discuss affiliate marketing, post your questions and help others whenever you can…you’ll be surprised how productive this will be for your personal progress, not to mention the motivating effect this will have on you! Further let me remind you that it’s always a good idea to search and read through our forum first before making a post. There is a big chance that your question has already been addressed to and answered in previous discussions. In addition to that, another very helpful platform to search for solutions is our Knowledge Base, where you will find plenty of instructions and tutorials at your disposal.

One other thing you will find super helpful and fun are our Weekly SAS Live Trainings on Thursdays. My colleague Ilya will guide you step-by-step through selected topics and you will also have the chance to directly address your questions in the dedicated ‘Question and Answer’ part. These sessions will be of great benefit for your learning progress, so don’t miss it!!! But if you do, simply watch the replay video.

Once again big Welcome to you! We are all looking forward to seeing you around here! So have a great start, simply dive right in and make the most out of this great opportunity! :smiley: Good luck!!! (and don’t forget to upload a profile picture)