Hello SAS Members, I'm glad to be here

I’m Bobby Wiggins originally from Alabama however I reside now and have since 1985 in Atoka, TN about 40 miles North of the Memphis, TN. I am 56 years old and I have been employed with a Fortune 50 Wireless Telecom now turned Entertainment as I corporate investigator.

I have also been an entrepreneur most of my life. I have done and continue to do online and offline business ventures. I have been working as a marketer on the internet since the beginning of the internet where I began selling items on what at the time were referred to as Online Bulletin Boards until the launch of a small auction site begin called eBay. I had a great run on eBay becoming one of the first PowerSellers.

In 2014, I started my hand with affiliate marketing and have had some success but not consist success. I’ve done somethings wrong and somethings right. I joined John in SAS because I want to create consistency in my online marketing as I have a goal to retire at age 60 and continue generating an income doing something that allows me the ability to travel, spend time with family that I don’t get to see to often and to leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren.

WOW! Love that you are an early adopter of the internet and have had success along the way. At 56 you are still … believe me … a spring chicken:grinning: Success to you!

Thank you. Yes I don’t feel old however that’s exactly why I want to really get consistency in Affiliate Marketing. I will have 20 years my current company, which honestly I enjoy my career but I have to make a lot scarfices as a result

I have 4 grown children that have blessed me with 5 grandchildren with two new additions coming this year 2019 :smile: d I just want to be able to spend time with them.

I’m blessed that both of my parents are still living and in extremely good health at ages 80 and 78 but they are about 8 hours away so I want the to be able to see them more often that 3 or 4 times a year.

Thanks for your nice comment.

Welcome BobfromBama!

Thanks, glad to be… How goes the training for you?

Well I finished wk 1 on a Sunday. So trying to not go crazy waiting another 7 days without taking more action.

Welcome Bobby! :grinning:

Thanks, glad to be here. So how’s things working for you. I’m waiting on Week 3 unlock.

Well I guess I got lucky, I started Saturday and have completed week 2 so I tried to get week 3 unlocked when I was informed by support it auto-unlocks after a week. lol hope I don’t have to wait 2 weeks now.

Working great so far! We got through week 1 and got our FB ad approved, after originally getting disapproved. As soon as Week 2 opens up for us we’ll get to work on that.