Hello! I'm Trina from Southern California!

Hi Everyone! I’m super excited to be here and to get started! I have been in healthcare for the last 10 years (the last 3 of which have been in healthcare IT) and am looking to supplement my income then work up to being my own boss from anywhere! I love to travel, and while travel is still questionable, I hope to learn and polish my skills as an affiliate marketer with the help of SAS! And by the time the world opens up again, I hope to take my business everywhere I go… or even just to be able to work from anywhere.

But for now, stuck to my desk working a 9-5 that I’m “meh” about for 40-50 hours a week with 2 weeks PTO/year with hopes off a 4% annual raise. ugh… my soul. =(

Hi Trina, welcome to the SAS community. Steve