Hello! I am so excited to be here!

Hey, guys! I am Stela from Bulgaria.I am 22 and been working as a waitress for 5 years.But now its finally time to change,because Im sick of working 12 hours a day and never having enough money for anything. I finished the first week and look forward to setting up my site in week two but dont have access yet.I wish you all a great productive day! :slight_smile:

Welcome! Like you, I don’t have access yet but I’m staying busy with archived training videos, etc. Good luck!

Do you know how much time I have to wait to get access?

@steli_73 Not sure but they are set up as weekly modules, and I know John’s method is more about doing, experimenting, and taking action than racing through the modules. There’s plenty here in the forum and the archives to stay busy learning. I’ve been reading, listening to a some archived videos, choosing products, coming up with a plan. I’m going to go back in and watch module 1 now that I’ve done that.

Hi Stela,
Welcome to the community. I’m also new here, but looking forward to learning from everyone and celebrating each other accomplishments. I share your feelings and your frustrations in a job were you work long hours, but never seem to have enough money nor time for doing the things you love. I have been working in the medical field for over 20 years, yes I do have good moments, but most of the time I feel unappreciated and underpaid. When I saw this opportunity being offered I decided to jump in and take ACTION to change my life for the better, so here I am. I started the course yesterday and I’m very much looking forward to setting up my first page and getting things rolling. Let’s keep each other motivated. Like John says “do the work and you will succeed”.
To your success!

Hi Stela happy having you among us together we will succeed :pray:

We are all on the same journey and good luck too.