Hello from the panhandle in Florida

Hi, my name is Kevin, born in the Netherlands and moved :airplane: to the United States Florida :palm_tree: :palm_tree: in January 2014 on a Green Card, now an official resident of the USA. I have had a construction business :safety_vest: from 2015 and did very well till COVID hit last year and I saw my revenue drop with 67%. Resulting that I now in the the final stage of my bankruptcy filing. I am always a go-getter and started a new business and my goal is to work from my own shop from home :houses: . And with that said I knew I have to do something else on the side to get passive income :dollar: . From multiple different sources I got a message saying to do affiliated marketing and then I saw an email coming by to sign up for this SAS pro course. I am super excited to be part of a community with like-minded people. It is true that you excel with people that have the same morales, values, skills and thoughts as yourself. I have two daughters :girl: 20 & 9, 3 step daughters :girl: 21, 17 and 13 and 1 grandchild :girl: on the way. I am in a relation with the sweetest girl :heart_eyes: in the world, my kids :family_man_man_girl_girl: think I am Crazy, sometimes Grumpy, have OCD and that I am funny. I love the beach :beach_umbrella: :sun_with_face: :palm_tree: and I am a fan of Formula 1 Racing - Red Bull Racing - Max Verstappen. On my off-time you will see me in my shop being creative with anything lumber :deciduous_tree: and use my carpentry skills to the max.

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Hello Kevin @kevin.sibbald, thank you for this interesting introduction! In the name of John and the whole team - WELCOME to the SAS PRO.
This is just a little check-up on you…how is it going with the SAS PRO training?!

Here is a short reminder for you - make sure to embrace all these points in your daily work with the course modules:

Work hard and invest your honest and true dedication - success will only be a matter of time!
Best of luck and we are all looking forward to hear from you :sunglasses:

PS: Thanks for uploading a profile picture!