Hello from The Boot

Hey everyone! My name is Harvey Cook. I am a native Louisianian. If you are curious about the “Boot” reference it’s a nickname for Louisiana due to the shape of the state. I reside in a small town named Hammond which is between our Capital of Baton Rouge and the “Big Easy” New Orleans…

A bit about me. I am a licensed attorney here in Louisiana. My main practice was transactional real estate with a bit of real estate related litigation. I have been in the practice for approximately 30 years and over time have become a bit disillusioned with the practice of law. But thats a story all into itself.

I started looking into affiliate marketing several years ago as a source of additional income. However, the past two years due to covid and several life changing events I am looking to get started and scale this to a full time business.

I look forward to meeting everyone and embarking on this exciting new Journey. If anyone has any questions for me, feel free to hit me up

Harvey W. Cook

“The key to immortality is to have lived a life worth remembering” author unknown