Hello from the Bahamas!

My name is Stephana and I am excited about this journey. I have been a victim of shiny object syndrome for so many years and I am sick and tired of not seeing any results. I am of a different mindset now as I recently was overlooked for a promotion and I am angry!! I do not want to stay anywhere where I am not appreciated and this program is my ticket out. I wish everyone here all the best and lets get busy making money!!

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Hello Stephana @stephanaislearning, this is just a little check-up on you…how is it going with the SAS PRO training?!
Here is a short reminder for you - make sure to embrace all these points in your daily work with the course modules:

Work hard and invest your honest and true dedication - success will only be a matter of time!
Best of luck and we are all looking forward to hear from you :sunglasses:

PS: Please upload a profile picture!