Hello from Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia

I am June Welford, a grandma of 4 grandchildren, mother and I am retired.
I joined SAS on 5 Dec 2019. I have seen many of John’s videos on YouTube and now it’s time for me to focus, take action and make money with the system.

Very confident of becoming a successful Online Marketeer with SAS and look forward to attend all the Live Webinars and coaching, as I am freer from now on.

My goal is to make as much money as I can with SAS.


Sounds like a great plan June!

  • Camille

Thanks Camille,
Working on it diligently.

Hi June!!
Lucky you to be a grandma!! and…congratulations on being retired!! Now you can work on your own business and make money!!
I’ll see you around in this forum!!

Thanks Peggy, I am enjoying my time here. Just submitted Ads at Udimi and will see how it goes.
It’s cool here and having fun, just what I always wanted to do. I want to make money here, wouldn’t it be nice.
Will hang out in this forum and chat with you Peggy.

Good luck June I am Kim Schneider from Melbourne I turned 56 years old on Christmas Day and I just joined SAS yesterday. My goal is the same as yours so I hope we can do the work and succeed together - every success to you xx