Hello from Spokane Washington!

Hello SAS Community!
Matt Moseanko here :smile:
I am super excited to be here and finally begin building my affiliate marketing business. This is my very first attempt, as I have researched the opportunity for years now but never really new how to get started or with which program I should do so with. I am thrilled to have chosen to work with John Crestani and his SAS program, as well as my coach once I get to meet them in a couple of days, and all of you too! I have every intention to succeed with this endeavor, and change mine and my families lives in the best of ways from hence forth :smiley:
I look forward to moving forward through the course and in getting to collaborate with all of you. Lets Go!!


Hi, i am from Spokane as well. I hope things are going great for you. I am just starting out as well. We should chat some time. Dorothy

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