Hello from Spokane Washington!

Hello SAS Community!
Matt Moseanko here :smile:
I am super excited to be here and finally begin building my affiliate marketing business. This is my very first attempt, as I have researched the opportunity for years now but never really new how to get started or with which program I should do so with. I am thrilled to have chosen to work with John Crestani and his SAS program, as well as my coach once I get to meet them in a couple of days, and all of you too! I have every intention to succeed with this endeavor, and change mine and my families lives in the best of ways from hence forth :smiley:
I look forward to moving forward through the course and in getting to collaborate with all of you. Lets Go!!


Hi, i am from Spokane as well. I hope things are going great for you. I am just starting out as well. We should chat some time. Dorothy


Hey Dorothy, right on! When did you get started with SAS? I’ve been going at it for a few weeks now, finally got a new domain through IONOS since the one i picked with adzilla wasn’t what I ended up wanting to use. About to start some google ads in module 4 right now :D. How’s it going for you so far?

I am going to be out of town this weekend. I am doing scout stuff for the boy scouts this weekend. I am trying to still get my first sale.

How are you doing with the program. I would like to chat with you when you get time to see if we could help each other.

Rose Records

Hi Dorothy, how is it going. I’m in Spokane also and wondered is we could chat when you are available.

Rose Records