Hello from Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Hello! My name is Laura, i am a 24 years old woman who has been working in different marketing agencies since July 2020 but I never really felt like it was my thing.

Right now I still work in it, but now I am eager to learn so much about affiliate marketing. The reason I joined this course is that I found myself watching John’s videos and saying "OMG, that’s me. And I want that freedom.

My craziest dream is to be able to travel the world whenever I want and go wherever I want. I’ve found myself so amazed by what the world has offered me since I started travelling that I never want to stop and I don’t want money to be a factor in not being able to achieve that dream.

Right now I got debts, which I a trying to pay but money is never enough, so that’s my second goal, being able to pay my debts. I know that if I can do #1, I can easily get to #2

It’s going to be an amazing journey with you all.

Best wishes,


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Yeah Laura @laura.quirogabraun -you are absolutely right! It’s a simple equation and you are totally capable to make this happen! Hard work, dedication and a bit of patience is all it takes to make those dream work out for you…John and the SAS staff are here to support you on your journey to freedom! Let’s not waste any more time, but let me quickly remind you of the most important points that will make your journey much smoother:

It is definitely gaping to be an amazing journey!

Best of luck and we are all looking forward to hear from you :sunglasses:

PS: Please upload a profile picture!