Hello from San Jose, California

Hi everyone, my name is Gwen, I live in San Jose, California for almost 40 years. I am an Herbalife Independent Distributor. I love internet and would like to do more with it. Affiliate is my favorite. Not been really success with FB (In Herbalife I did) but I kelp learning about it. Love it.

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Hey Gwen, I’m from Fresno area and just getting started as well. I worked in Santa Clara for 25 years and retired to the hills to enjoy life, but still looking for ways to make some extra money. Love to keep in touch with you to see how things are going for you.

Hi Gwen. Welcome to Sas.
You can reach out to your network (upline & downlones) and sell this program as well. :blush::blush::blush:

MLM people like extra income all the time. :blush:

Welcome to the Super Affiliate System!

Yes, definately, I will keep you posted. Thank You.

Thank You Lea, mine are all the way from Vietnam.

Thank You Sabrina. I am glad to be here. The way John explaining is easy to follow, I just done with Google Ad and set up Clickbank Pixel.

hello Quynthi, It is nice to have natural health practitioners and marketers. I Have been involved with Nature"s Sunshine. It has been good to me. Happy affiliating.:sunglasses::sunglasses:

Thank You Steve, I love health and I love internet, so here I am, hope to learn from all of you around here.

Its nice to meet you Gwen, I’m also from San Jose, Ca. Its nice to see others from the SJ area in this community.