Hello From San Diego!

Greetings to all! I’m Robin from the San Diego, CA area. I am a complete newbie to SAS and affiliate marketing. I’m a school teacher so I’m no stranger to hard work, but I really want to become more independent and be able to work at home. My goal is to replace my monthly salary as a teacher and exceed it. I really want to spend more time with my family. I wish everyone the best of success!


Welcome Robin, I’m excited to have you here with us! I always had so much respect for teachers. Good luck! :slight_smile:

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Oh, thank you… :smiley: I’m nervous, but more excited than nervous. Looking forward to making my first sale.


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Hi Robin. Greetings from the UK. I recently joined SAS too, and am quite new to all of this. I’m a writer and thriller author, who is recovering from a stroke. I’m confident that SAS will be the right path to success and am sure you will find this too. Wishing you much success!

Hey Robin, nice to meet you

Hello, and nice to meet you too! Wishing all of us here massive success!

Hello and thank you for the greetings. Very sorry to hear about your stroke, however, it sounds like you are really doing well with writing. :slight_smile: I wish you well on this new endeavor!

Hi Robin, i am from San Diego as well, i am an art teacher, new here and very excited to be here as well. Good luck! :smiley::+1: