Hello from Orlando, Florida, USA

Hello Super Affiliates! My name is Jason. I am so stoked!!! I am CFO of a software company currently and a part time realtor. I am excited to be apart of this community and learn everything from A - Z and be able to create another stream of income. Finding john Crestani’s program was definitely heaven sent! I have a passion for real estate but hate being a realtor. I would love to be able to spend my pass time traveling the world looking for undervalued properties and creating memories with my wife. I can see me creating the foundations of wealth through this program by simple parting into practice every single thing in this program. This program will also allow me to work on my software company without worries of my bills and will be able to cover my family’s cost of living.

The thought of being able to spent time with my wife and family, and the freedom to work on my company from anywhere around the world gives me all the motivation and drive to succeed exponentially with program. Did I mention how excited I am? Hahaha.

Hey Jason, Welcome to the SAS Family!! It’s great to have you hear and I love your excitement and enthusiasm. It’s an amazing feeling when you know that you always have everything you need to live life on your own terms and always feel free to do what you want, when you want :smiley:

Keep us all posted on your progress as you work through the Program and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. The Forum and Helpdesk are great sources to have any questions answered and receive support.

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Great stuff, Jason. I joined SAS recently myself. Let’s do it!

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